Ever wanted to learn about energy healing? Would you like to know more about your Chakras and Auras? Learn how to heal yourself and others in our Reiki classes. Reiki training can help heal and release stress, anxiety, depression and pain. Our Reiki classes, including level 1, 2, and Masters, are the perfect solution for you to start or continue in your personal healing journey.

No Initiation

Everyone has a natural ability to channel this“Life Force Energy” deep within all of us, at a very low level, without any attunments.

Beginners Class

1. Reiki Level 1 (First Degree):
   - Introduction to Reiki: History, principles, and concepts of Reiki.
   - Overview of energy healing and chakras.
   - Techniques for self-healing and treating others with hands-on Reiki.
   - Hand positions for giving a full Reiki treatment.
   - Ethics and guidelines for practicing Reiki.

- Attunement to the Reiki energy by a Reiki master.

Advanced Class

Reiki Level 2 (Second Degree):
   - Review of Level 1 concepts and techniques.
   - Introduction to Reiki symbols.
   - Distance healing techniques using symbols.
   - Working with Auras and energy fields.
   - Mental/emotional healing with Reiki.
   - Attunement to the level 2 Reiki.

Master/Teacher Class

Reiki Level 3 (Master/Teacher):
   - Review of Level 1 and Level 2 concepts and techniques.
   - Introduction to the Master symbols and their significance.
   - Attunement to the Master/Teacher level Reiki energy.
   - Learning how to attune others to Reiki energy.
   - Teaching methods and techniques for conducting Reiki classes.
   - Establishing a Reiki practice and working as a Reiki practitioner.